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Energy Balance

All About the Energy

QEST4 helps correct the flow of energy. The body has natural healing abilities and a tendency towards balance. This can be referred to as innate intelligence. Innate Intelligence has the ability to heal itself or choose not to be healed. 

QEST4 helps guide how to enhance your energetic flow through corrections. The corrections are made on the energetic level. If changes are noticed on a physical level, it is because of the natural healing abilities of the body and its tendency towards balance.

With QEST4, you see the bigger picture which allows you to see the causes to issues instead of chasing symptoms.  Energy is the foundation of health and wellness.  


How Does It Work?

QEST 4 is a non-invasive method that takes 3-5 minutes to provide invaluable insights on enhancing your energetic flow.

Through the testing process, innate intelligence can only be selected from the energy offered and from the tests chosen. The tests are customized to each client. 

QEST4 is a form of bio-energetic testing that identifies imbalances in the body and guides wellness plans. All you need to do is hold two bars while the test runs. The color-coded test results will indicate where you are weakened, balanced, and out of balance.  Corrections are then customized based on the results. 

Restore. Relax. Revitalize. 

Supporting your healing and promoting overall health.

Supportive Healing Massage


202 E. Main St.

Whitewater, WI 53190


**By Appointment Only**

Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 

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